Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Class 10

As a copywriting AI language model, I can provide you with an article on “subject-verb agreement MCQ class 10” that would help you understand the basics of grammar and how to answer multiple-choice questions related to it.

Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental aspects of English grammar. It refers to the correct matching of the subject and verb in a sentence. In simple terms, the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number and person.

For instance, if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. Let`s take a look at some examples to understand this concept better.

– Incorrect: The dog barks loudly.

– Correct: The dog barks loudly.

In the above example, the verb agrees with the singular subject `dog`, and therefore the sentence is grammatically correct.

– Incorrect: The dogs barks loudly.

– Correct: The dogs bark loudly.

In the second example, the verb agrees with the plural subject `dogs`, and the sentence is grammatically correct. Remember that this concept is essential in writing and can significantly impact the clarity and effectiveness of your written communication.

Now, let`s move on to some multiple choice questions on subject-verb agreement for class 10 students.

1. Choose the correct sentence:

A) The team of players were excited about the match.

B) The team of players was excited about the match.

Answer: B

Explanation: The noun `team` is considered a singular subject, therefore, the verb should be `was` instead of `were`.

2. Choose the correct sentence:

A) The herd of cows is grazing in the field.

B) The herd of cows are grazing in the field.

Answer: A

Explanation: The noun `herd` is considered a singular subject representing the entirety of the group, therefore, the verb should be `is` instead of `are`.

3. Choose the correct sentence:

A) My mother and father is coming to visit me.

B) My mother and father are coming to visit me.

Answer: B

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is two individuals, and therefore the verb must be plural to agree with the subject.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a vital aspect of English grammar, and it is essential to have a clear understanding of it. Multiple-choice questions like the ones above can help you test your knowledge and improve your grammar skills with practice. Always remember to pay attention to the subject and the verb to ensure that they agree in number and person.