Agreement without Consideration Is Valid When Made Mcq

Agreement Without Consideration is Valid When Made – MCQ

One of the fundamental principles of contract law is that every contract must be supported by consideration. Consideration refers to the exchange of something of value between the parties to a contract. Without consideration, a contract is generally not enforceable. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, one of which is the concept of an agreement without consideration.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of agreement without consideration, and MCQs based on the same.

What is Agreement without Consideration?

An agreement without consideration refers to a promise made by one party to do something for another party without receiving anything in return. This type of agreement is generally not enforceable, as it does not meet the requirement of consideration. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

One such exception is an agreement made purely out of love and affection between family members. For example, a father may promise to transfer ownership of his house to his son without receiving any payment in return. This type of agreement is enforceable, even though it lacks consideration, as it is made purely out of love and affection between family members.

MCQs based on Agreement Without Consideration

1. What is the basic principle of contract law?

a. An agreement without consideration is valid

b. A contract must be supported by consideration

c. A contract without consideration is enforceable

d. None of the above

Answer: b

2. What is an agreement without consideration?

a. A promise made by one party to do something for another party without receiving anything in return

b. A promise made by one party to do something for another party in exchange for money

c. A promise made by one party to do something for another party in exchange for goods

d. None of the above

Answer: a

3. Is an agreement made purely out of love and affection between family members enforceable?

a. Yes

b. No

c. It depends on the jurisdiction

d. None of the above

Answer: a


In conclusion, an agreement without consideration is generally not enforceable, as every contract must be supported by consideration. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, one of which is an agreement made purely out of love and affection between family members. It is important to understand these concepts when entering into a contract, to ensure that the contract is enforceable and legally binding.

Sag Commercial Contract Pdf

If you`re in the entertainment industry, you`re likely familiar with the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA). This union represents a vast number of performers in the entertainment industry, ensuring that they receive fair and reasonable working conditions, wages, and benefits. If you are involved in a production that involves SAG-AFTRA performers, you will need to ensure that you have a SAG commercial contract in place.

One way to obtain this contract is by downloading the SAG commercial contract PDF, which can be found on the SAG-AFTRA website. It is important to note that the contract may differ depending on the type of production you are working on, so ensure that you are downloading the correct one.

Once you have downloaded the SAG commercial contract PDF, you will need to thoroughly read and understand its contents. The contract outlines the terms and conditions under which your production will be hiring SAG-AFTRA performers. This includes details on wages, working conditions, and other relevant aspects of working with union actors.

As a producer, it is important that you abide by all of the terms laid out in the SAG commercial contract. Failing to do so could result in legal action being taken against you, which could prove costly and damaging to your reputation in the industry.

If you are unclear on any of the terms outlined in the SAG commercial contract PDF, it is recommended that you seek legal advice before signing it. A lawyer with experience in the entertainment industry will be able to assist you in understanding the contract and ensuring that you are complying with all of its provisions.

In conclusion, if you are working with SAG-AFTRA performers, you will need to ensure that you have a SAG commercial contract in place. By downloading the SAG commercial contract PDF, thoroughly reviewing its contents, and seeking legal advice if necessary, you can ensure that you are complying with all of the necessary terms and conditions for working with union actors.

Uft Remote Teaching Agreement

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we interact and work. One of the most significant changes has been the rise of remote teaching. With social distancing measures still in place, many educational institutions have had to quickly adapt and transition their classrooms online.

The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has been at the forefront of pushing for remote learning agreements that prioritize the safety and well-being of students and educators. This includes ensuring that teachers have access to the necessary technology and resources to facilitate effective online learning and that students have access to high-quality instruction.

The UFT`s remote teaching agreement covers various facets of remote learning, including expectations for teachers and students, communication protocols, and instructional delivery methods. It also addresses issues such as grading and assessment, attendance, and student feedback.

One of the key provisions of the UFT`s remote teaching agreement is the requirement for schools to provide teachers with appropriate technology and training. This includes access to laptops, webcams, and other necessary equipment, as well as training on how to effectively use these tools in a remote teaching environment.

In addition to technology and training, the agreement also emphasizes the importance of clear communication between teachers, students, and parents. This includes setting clear expectations for communication methods and response times, as well as ensuring that parents are kept informed of their child`s progress and any issues that may arise.

Another critical aspect of the UFT`s remote teaching agreement is the need for flexibility in instructional delivery methods. This includes providing both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) instruction, as well as offering additional support for students who may need it.

Overall, the UFT`s remote teaching agreement prioritizes the safety and well-being of students and educators while also ensuring that students continue to receive high-quality instruction and support. As the pandemic continues to evolve, it is essential that educational institutions continue to adapt and evolve as well, and the UFT is at the forefront of ensuring that teachers and students have the resources and support they need to succeed in a remote learning environment.

What Is Arbitration in Contract Law

Arbitration in contract law is a form of alternative dispute resolution that involves the resolution of disputes through the use of an arbitrator. Essentially, arbitration is a process by which parties to a contract can avoid going to court to resolve disputes that may arise.

When two parties enter into a contract, they agree to certain terms and conditions that govern their relationship. However, disagreements or unexpected events can occur, and the parties may find themselves in a dispute. Traditional legal proceedings can be costly, time-consuming, and often result in a winner and a loser. Arbitration provides a neutral third-party, who can listen to both sides of the dispute and make a binding decision.

One of the main advantages of arbitration in contract law is that it can be quicker, less formal, and often less expensive than going to court. The arbitrator`s decision is usually final and binding, which means that the parties can avoid the uncertainty of a court decision. Additionally, the parties can choose an arbitrator who has expertise in the relevant area of law, making the process more focused and efficient.

It is important to note that not all contracts contain an arbitration clause. An arbitration clause is a provision in the contract that specifies that any disputes arising out of the contract will be resolved through arbitration rather than court. It is recommended that parties consult with an experienced attorney to include arbitration in their contracts, and to ensure that the clause is drafted properly.

In conclusion, arbitration in contract law is a valuable alternative to traditional legal proceedings, providing parties with a quicker, less formal, and often less expensive way to resolve disputes. By including an arbitration clause in their contracts, parties can avoid the time and expense of litigation and benefit from a neutral third-party`s expertise in the relevant area of law.

Great Artesian Basin Heads of Agreement

The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is a vital natural resource located in Australia. This underground water resource spans over 1.7 million square kilometers and provides water to more than 200,000 Australians. With its immense importance, the GAB Heads of Agreement was signed in 2020 to ensure its sustainable use and management.

The GAB Heads of Agreement is a collaboration between the Australian federal and state governments, as well as stakeholders from the agricultural and mining industries, Indigenous communities, and environmental advocacy groups. These parties recognized the significance of the GAB and came together to develop a plan that aims to balance the competing demands for this valuable resource.

One of the main focuses of the GAB Heads of Agreement is to implement sustainable water management practices. This includes reducing water extraction and increasing the efficiency of water use, as well as establishing a framework for monitoring and reporting on water use and availability.

The GAB Heads of Agreement also recognizes the importance of preserving the ecological value of the basin. The plan includes measures to protect and restore the natural environment, including measures to minimize the impact of mining and agricultural activities on the basin.

Another key element of the GAB Heads of Agreement is the inclusion of Indigenous communities in the decision-making process. The plan recognizes the traditional custodianship of the land and water resources by Indigenous people and seeks to promote their involvement in the management and protection of the GAB.

The signing of the GAB Heads of Agreement represents a significant step forward in the sustainable management of this important natural resource. By balancing the competing demands for water and protecting the ecological and cultural values of the basin, the GAB Heads of Agreement ensures that this vital resource will continue to provide water to Australians for generations to come.

In conclusion, the Great Artesian Basin Heads of Agreement is a vital plan that recognizes the importance of the GAB and seeks to ensure its sustainable use and management. With the collaboration of federal and state governments, stakeholders, and Indigenous communities, this plan represents a significant step forward in preserving this important natural resource.