Microsoft Ees Agreement Levels

The Microsoft EES Agreement Levels: A Guide to Choosing the Right Plan for Your Organization

If your organization is considering purchasing Microsoft software licenses, the Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) program is an excellent choice. It offers a cost-effective way to license Microsoft software for educational institutions, with an easy-to-administer agreement that covers a broad range of products.

The EES program has several agreement levels, each designed to meet the specific needs of educational institutions. Here is an overview of the different EES agreement levels available, so you can choose the one that works best for your organization.

Level A

This is the basic EES agreement level, designed for small institutions with up to 2,399 full-time equivalent (FTE) students and faculty members. The Level A agreement covers the Microsoft Office Suite, Windows Upgrade, and Client Access Licenses (CALs) for Windows Server and Exchange Server.

Level B

Level B is suitable for institutions with 2,400 to 9,999 FTE students and faculty. This agreement level includes all the products in Level A, plus additional licensing options such as System Center Endpoint Protection, SharePoint Server, and SQL Server.

Level C

Level C is for larger institutions with 10,000 or more FTE students and faculty. It includes all the products in Level B, plus more advanced options such as BizTalk Server, Visual Studio, Exchange Server Enterprise CALs, and more.

Level D

Level D is the most comprehensive EES agreement level, designed for the largest and most complex institutions. It includes all the products in Level C, plus unlimited access to Azure services, Office Professional Plus, and Windows Enterprise.

Choosing the Right EES Agreement Level for Your Organization

When considering which EES agreement level to choose, there are several factors to consider:

– The size of your organization: This is the most important factor to consider when choosing an EES agreement level.

– Your software needs: Consider which Microsoft products your organization uses and needs for daily operations.

– Your budget: Each EES agreement level has its own pricing structure, so ensure that your chosen level is within your budget.

Overall, the EES program offers several agreement levels that cater to different organizational needs and sizes. With the right agreement level, educational institutions can benefit from access to a wide range of Microsoft products at an affordable price.