Holding Company Operating Agreement Example

A holding company operating agreement is a crucial document that outlines the rules and regulations that govern the operations of a holding company. This agreement is essentially a contract between the holding company and its owners or shareholders, and it outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each party.

If you are a business owner or investor looking to create a holding company, it is important to have a clear understanding of what a holding company operating agreement entails. In this article, we will provide an example of a holding company operating agreement to help you better understand what should be included.

Basic Provisions

The first section of a holding company operating agreement should outline the basic provisions of the agreement. This typically includes:

– The name of the holding company

– The purpose of the holding company

– The authorized shares of the holding company

– The initial shareholders of the holding company


The management section of the agreement outlines the management structure of the holding company. This typically includes:

– The powers and duties of the board of directors

– The powers and duties of the officers of the company

– The procedures for nominating and electing directors

– The procedures for removing directors and officers

– The frequency of board meetings

Capital Contributions and Distributions

The capital contributions and distributions section of the agreement outlines how the holding company will raise and distribute funds. This typically includes:

– The amount and timing of capital contributions

– The proportion of ownership each shareholder has based on their capital contributions

– Procedures for distributing profits and losses

– Restrictions on distributing profits

– Procedures for issuing new shares of stock

Transfer of Shares

The transfer of shares section of the agreement outlines how shareholders are allowed to transfer their ownership interests in the company. This typically includes:

– Restrictions on transferring shares

– The procedures for transferring shares

– The rights of first refusal for existing shareholders

Amendment and Termination

Finally, the amendment and termination section of the agreement outlines how the agreement can be changed or terminated. This typically includes:

– The procedures for amending the agreement

– The required vote for amending the agreement

– The procedures for terminating the agreement


A holding company operating agreement is a critical document that outlines the structure and rules of a holding company. This agreement ensures that all shareholders are aware of their rights and responsibilities, and it helps to avoid disputes down the road. By using the example of a holding company operating agreement provided above, you can create a comprehensive agreement that protects your interests and lays the foundation for a successful holding company.